- Come. I saw something moving in the trees. The wind passed by. Come let’s see
- But where did everyone go? What are they doing?
- We don’t care. Come let’s play like we do. Do you see the stars? We will go to the stars tonight. How about that? Do you know what’s out there?
- Can we really still play? They all stopped playing.
- Yes we can.
- Where did they all leave to?
- To their world
- Where is that?
- In our heads.
- Where’s ours?
- In theirs.
- We have to make it pretty then.
- Yes we have ...
Beautiful..Beautiful :):)
yes, u make it pretty..
good luck demain
this must be one of the most beautiful I heard for sometimes...
I usually don't read things twice - this one I did.
you know what! children don't climb trees anymore.
thanks :)
gitanes, thanks.. i'm kinda freakin!!!
_z, that's just not true!
no we don't. and never will. you are us, you're good. go...
now, are you game or what?
how did you know?
Ahh, it sure is damn hard to leave compliments these days ...
i meant _z
but now you're caught!! :)
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