And across Spain ...
Barcelona was a city i could relate to.

Some cities you immediately understand. You feel as if you’ve already been, in a different life maybe. The old charming balconies and the narrow streets had a feeling of home; this same trait took away from the excitement. At La Sagrada familia, I conquered my fear of climbing stairs

and I planned my short visit walking in the trace of Gaudi’s revelations.

To Milan, Ventimiglia San Remo …. Rome …

When I tell people that I saw everything there is to see in Rome in 2 days I get laughed at.

When he heard what I’m planning on doing on the train he laughed at me too. Being an artist himself, and an Italian, he was almost offended by my touristy attitude. I met him at Trastevere my second night in Rome and I told him about my journey. I showed him evidence that I have been to all the places I should go to and to some. He was still offended so I had to explain that no place I have been to will tempt me to prolong my stay. I explained that Beirut is next and that only when I live in Beirut again I can dare to love another city. Until then, it will all be stops between trains and flights. Until then, it will all be more reasons for me to go back to the city of my heart. And I explained to him that I didn’t sleep in Rome.

Rome is a city that needs a lifetime to be explored ... And my trip to Rome, at least will need another post ...
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