Friday, March 03, 2006


So it is Friday, and where it might be the day where sorrows end for a lot of blue collars that I run across at work, it is certainly the beginning of sorrows for me. Yesterday, a man walked through the door. A black suit (cheap a wrinkled in the tricky places) and a black tie!. He came up to me after a minute of hesitation and started talking. His words were so underwhelming compared to his looks. How do you expect people to listen to what you're selling when you look so lost yourself. His eyes were empty of any clever flirtation with life and he had a cut on his finger (no ring, just a cut). I wasn’t listening to him. I do that a lot lately. I kept looking at his finger and the stress vein pumping out of his neck. He's angry with life, i can feel it. How did he cut his finger this morning? Was it while shaving, was he trying to open a can of dog food with a knife because his girlfriend took away all the kitchen tools when leaving yesterday night? She never cared about him or his dog. Well why should she, look at him. He asked for a name, good thing I heard that. He adds my name to his little contact sheet. Even more pathetic than he is, was this contact sheet. I feel bad for him. I wonder if he looks forward for Friday. What could he be up to this weekend? Maybe sit in his mom’s basement, eating left over Chinese and playing with the dog (rusty). Maybe he’s wild underneath all that. Maybe he joins a cult that wears him down and cuts his fingers. He was then smiling, what is he up to now. Oh he’s leaving... he can’t leave now! It is Friday and the beginning of my sorrows… I am feeling down today, I don’t feel grounded enough to face the weekend. I would usually have plans stuffing down every minute where otherwise I would be empty of existence. It doesn’t always work. It certainly won’t work now. Not now. Sartre tells us to attempt life with no time out. What a load of crap that is. Today I need the time out. I won’t attempt to do any work, I won’t attempt to understand what my boss is talking about, I won’t answer any phone calls about diners to say goodbye to people and I most certainly won’t sit next to the phone in anticipation of good news. I wish I could even be angry like my friend in the black suit. Not today, after all it is Friday.


Ghassan said...

Did you just become more cynical than I am?!

Ghassan said...

Un peu macabre, no?

Unknown said...

mais non, un peu perdue
you didn't comment on the poem..typical

Ghassan said...

I did (in my domain)