"The particular richness of Wyckoff's work comes forth out of this permanent oscillation and interchange between two very different systems in our society: science and art. Fascinated by the chaotic beauty of the microscopic, he translates these impressions to macroscopic images. On this ordered level, the blown-up scientific elements operate as aesthetic works of art, and have become part of a different system of meaning".
His recent piece of work, which was acclaimed in the LA times (http://www.latimes.com/technology/la-ca-ipodart23apr23,1,7027388.story?ctrack=1&cset=true) was a time lapse movie showing his blood cells in motion. The movie was made on one of our inverted microscopes, which i call the solitude (as opposed to other microscopes called the darkness and patience).

The movie, along with others from other artists played on an ipod. As opposed to his other shows, this movie was not accompanied by any sound and no pseudocolor added to the cells which made it even the more real and striking. He said to me, it's just simple that way. And it was true, away from the scientific atmosphere, you felt like you were looking at your cells in the most intimate way and it was brilliant.
If you have interest in science or art, learn his name and follow up on him, he's very good at both
I'd like to meet this man..
sure Fouad, i could arrange a meeting for you.
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Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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