I was sitting with my friend at a café in the east village having some cappuccino on what turned out to be a really cold night. The most wonderful thing about New York would have to be the street traffic and being able to talk to people randomly. Earlier in the day, I had the most stimulating talk with this old gentlemen waiting in line for the museum door to open. A German Jew who came up to my friend and I as he peaked into her booklet where she kept her Arabic phrases. He wanted to discuss Paradise Now when he knew I was an Arab and then he started telling me about the big war and the inflation and how he came to this country. I watched as his daughter showed up and he gave her the tenderest kiss and I felt so close to this man. It is amazing that hate creates hate and retaliation but people like me and him just want to live in peace. While shivering in the café, this woman who was passing by invited herself to our conversation and started preaching about the little organization that she leads with a group of her artist friends (this is the link she gave me http://www.zendik.org/index.html). It turns out that their organization is a bunch of people who live together independently of the “system”. They do not condone the consumption-based society that we live in that could only lead to more hate and exploitation of people. Those people live up from their art and try to communicate and reach out to as much people as possible.
- This all sounds good but you still go to the store though and use merchandise and you’re wearing designer earrings.
- Yes of course, we cannot live entirely without the society
- Fair enough, you are part of the community. It is always good to spread the love and communication message you’re talking about even when it’s a bit idealistic, don’t you think. Having said that, you still see love everywhere. I saw many couples in love at the park today. The manifestation of affection could be more hidden nowadays because it is becoming harder to people to find and live love on a daily basis in this racy life we lead.
- Exactly, and that’s why we’re here to try to remind people who are tired of wars and cheating and exploitation that they could live away from all that.
- And do what? What is your solution? What sort of economical plan have you people devised? You lead this sort of life, well good for you to have this privilege but you guys are artists. What can people with jobs that require being at corporations do? Do you suggest we all quit the jobs that lead to more exploitation? All jobs do and all corporations are rotten but what is the solution and where do you start? Should we all leave our jobs and sit and love each other? Start what revolution exactly.
- People are miserable though
- Who said everybody is supposed to be happy?
- Do you want to buy the Tshirt?
- No, that's another form of consumption and I should be against that.
I think that the time is not that of 'causes' anymore... live and let live. and many would think that this is being passive and all this jazz... but I believe that this is understanding how really one could make a difference in life, and if one could anyway.
but still something happened last week that made me realize that no matter how removed we feel, we still hold firm to something that lives within us: I was going out to dinner with friends. and looking for a restaurant, they pick a middle eastern to please me. well, the place was called 'yaffa', I was thrilled.. until reaching the door step of the place and read that they are Israelis, I had to steered everyone out of there and tried to explain that maybe I wouldn't minded going to an Israeli restaurant, but could never step in one called 'yafa'!!! (a gulp was stuck in my throat)... some feeling we never get over...
I am very happy to see that you temporarily left the Boredom Club behind and observe acute things surrounding your very life - with interest!
zee. yes out of the club :)
gus, i think i replied in another post
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