Monday, September 11, 2006

My night prayer...

Read this article by Patrick Cockburn
To donate to the children of Gaza and Lebanon, go here.

A thousand and more prayers to the gods’ ears. For your pain my brothers. My tears are bashful. May the days be merciful to your suffering. May your worries and your screams cease. Hope their glory and ruthlessness come tumbling. Hope your children sleep peacefully. Guarded with angels’ whispers. Caressed with a hopeful breeze... For we are human, for we do not know the harm we do, for our arms do not protect you and our eyes do not see you. Forgive us please...

(picture i took inside the cathedral at the Barrio Gotico, Barcelona)


rouba said...

lovely words!
sad times

Unknown said...

yes roubs, sad times all over

Lirun said...

sad indeed.. gaza has never been more miserable..

amazing photo.. nicely dedicated..

Unknown said...

thank L.,
thank you T.