A transient glow
Hardly does justice
To the inner fire
Smoldering in our hearts.
Life continues
As a songbreaks
The sound barrier
And drips
Life-giving sap
To sustain
The precious breath
Attempting to stretch
From this life
To the next,
Beyond the
Tyranny of mortality.
I know why the heart cries,
But know not how,
How to comfort it;
I know where the pain lies,
But know not why,
Why it continues;
I know what lives and what dies
But know not who,
Who holds the ultimate key
To unlock the secret,
Silent salve for
Our wounded hearts.
(Yeou-Cheng Ma)
(pic: Dr. Richard K Bernstein)
I know we try so hard keep on smiling,
But know not why,
Why we fail.
I know you took the time to write this,
But know not how,
How to Thank You
I'll try, Thank You ! :)
as long as you have stories to tell, you are never alone :)
My last love gave me a key on her departure. a real one of the old fashion kind.
Months passed and I looked at it now and then, wondering what would happen if I decided to through it away.
Would I really throw away the key to her heart - forever?
hmmm. tough one! i say don't, you never know..
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