أعلن شمعون بيريز أنه التقى سياسيين لبنانيين، لكنه رفض الإفصاح عن أسمائهم. وقال، لصحيفة «كل العرب» الأسبوعية التي تصدر في الأراضي المحتلة عام 48، إن إسرائيل مهتمة بعدم حدوث انقلاب في لبنان. وأضاف: «نحن معنيون بأن يبقى لبنان دولة مستقلة وكاملة من ناحية الأرض والمياه، ونحن ضد أي تدخّل أجنبي على أرض لبنان، وجيش حزب الله هو جيش إيراني مزود بالأسلحة الإيرانية ويتلقى الدعم المادي من الإيرانيين، آمل ألا يحدث انقلاب في لبنان، فالانقلاب سيُحدث الدمار في هذا البلد».
Thursday, December 14, 2006
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lei mistaghirbee ?!
libnen balad l 3ajayib... anything is possible.
hehe interesting...
where is that taken from?
I want to read the whole article
ma bistab3id, but i guess we don't have take the israelis' word about anything. That doesn't mean that some lebanese politicians suck or can be unbearable. anyway, u know my opinion out till now.
"إن إسرائيل مهتمة بعدم حدوث انقلاب في لبنان"
this is the opinion of march 14 base, tayyar el mostaqbal for example. i talked with many freinds and i keep hearing the same sentence: israel needs stability in lebanon. syria is the ONLY one that does not want that!. as if palestine is in honolooloo. what a shame. welcome to to the new "moderate orouba".
mnil akhbar, haydil link
hilal i know.. i'm just increasingly shocked with the audacity of the statements and with the denial we're going into.
as we all know, there is nothing new there; regretably, there are some lebanese who have a history of this kind of sad relationship with that colonialist settler regime.
well, maybe there is something new: most of those who have kept these ties have had them for decades, but there are one or two major lebanese "officials" who are newcomers to the zionist circle of "friends."
more sadness, which needs more wakefulness from the people.
and that's why i'm surprised ibj, because i'm pretty sure those officials are diff from the ones we usually expect this from based on their political orientation. seems now talking to israel is on the table.. this could be a major one if proven to be right, hopefully just an israeli tactic..
Well, I wouldnt be surprised. But as Hilal said, we cant take anything they say as true. They couldnt destabilize with artillery, now they might be using this as a tactic to so the Lebanese will drift apart even further i.e. destabilize...
mirv, i don't know which lebanese politicians you have different expectations from. with the cleptocrat politicians of the arab world, "political orientation" is like a hat: take it off, put it on. i learned something about 15 years ago from marcel khalifeh. he was holding a teach-in here in detroit. it was a very intimate setting with only about 100 people. he played us new instrumental stuff, explained, and got a little political. we had a very lively discussion with him. it was the end of the lebanese civil war, and just after the first gulf war, and the eastern bloc was falling. there was pressure from people in the audience to get him to talk "traditional lebanese politics," which was pretty hot back then just as now, but he refused to be dragged into it. he finally said that as far as he's concerned, he would not soil himslef with any of it, and that the lebanese resistance and palestinian intifada (it was just after the height of the first intifada of the late 80's) are the only two sources of pride and importance for him.
The more I hear, the more I read ( ... and I can not decipher Arabic, though it looks beautiful to my eye) - I have the notion that we spiral down into an endless abyss.
Just when wounds start to heal, there are slashed open again. Lebanese politics are astoundingly complicated, at least for a westerner like me. There are so many players, actions ... and fractions. I suppose it is even hard for native Lebanese people to keep track of all this.
But the bottom line still remains, you can't whisk away with a magic wand the reality of Israel, Syria or Iran. They are here to be, with their intentions, good or bad. No wishful thinking will help to dissipate it.
I am sure deep down Hezbollah knows that too.
So what are you going to do, focus on the periphery or center yourself? Where is your identity - is it gained through conflict or consolidation? A basic question really!
See, I can almost see you quiver again while you read this and hear you shout: You stupid ass, you know nothing about the Arab world, don't bother even opening your mouth. This "centering bullshit" is all well and fine, but it has nothing to do with our past, present and future.
Well I happen to disagree.
Take for example the situation in Palestine today (Friday Dec, 15) - the two "political" entities are about to kill each other.
That is soooo retro and counterproductive.
Iraq, fairly similar if you just look at that one aspect.
Lebanon, I don't know. But what gets through the filtered news creates a similar image:
That indeed is a lost cause, and no smoking of Lebanese superior hash will catapult you over that hurdle.
No, I think the solution, and it is not a political solution, is to accept once and for all that we are all humans, regardless of religion or ethnicity, or country.
Once we are able to focus on the bounty we share with each other in-front of our nose and find solutions to guard it, some stressed out situations in this world would ease.
I am not a hippy Buddhist, far from it - but I like the concept:
Now my rant is over ...
Dakhilo Alla! Now Israel wants stability in Lebanon?! W Syria wants what's good for Lebanon, w France is Lebanon's best friend, w Amerka is all about anti terrorism and peace in the Middle East, wel UN are like the guardian angel of Lebanon, w everyone on this planet now knows about Lebanon and wants what's good for it, even the hungry people of Ethiopia... all except the Lebanese people in power, whichever side they take, whether it's Israel, Syria, Iran, God (ya Rabbi bala kofer) or the devil (prada or not).
I don't see why such a statement should shock or raise eyebrows, or be a reason to point finger at each others.
Bottom line, no matter what anyone says, Lebanon is divided and destroyed if WE, the Lebanese ya3ne, don't know what's best for Lebanon and don't work on it...
Excuse my outburst, bass I would really like to see an end to this "ossit bri2 el zayt", don't you?
yes coco. bass ossit bri2 el zayt 3anna mabtikhlas. lebanon is still a vessel.
i don't know what's best for lebanon because i don't know what lebanon is anymore. a country's interest is defined by the interest of its people so i don't know
... no, most countries interests are defined by the ruling class, not by the people. People take what comes from "above"
the ruling class and in this case the same old families of politicians in lebanon clearly have their interest and not that of the country. the people's blind loyalties to those in power make it hard to understand what they really stand for or want..
Zee you are right...it s all about the control of the top classes, and we live in the ugliest form that is taking form everywhere on earth, with U.S being on the forefront.
Did you guys watch Alex Jones' documentareis? Go Google video or youtube for alex jones and watch terrorstorm, martial law 9/11 and Bohemain Grove, it will change your whole prospect on politics and life on planet earth, I m trying to select Alex Jones' best on the site just go there and watch 1/2 every day it s really worth it.. also traffic officer just came out and declared 9/11 is an inside job, i put it there as well..
Lebanon, and Middle East in general are nothing but a retarded people and target to the elite who want to control the world. The same kind of Elite behind the Nazi's thinkings...The same secret group that both Bush and Kerry went to, you think that is too much? just check out the videos...Both were asked by reporters about "Skull and bones" and both didn't deny it with Kerry saying it is a secret..Arnold's father is a Nazi officer...and more
If that proves to be true, then we are truly wasting all of our energies on something that is screwed up every where... It s all about control, money and greed.. Unless humans change their prospect on life nothing will change and we will always have the top class screwing up the lower classes, the workers, the slaves IE: US me and you...You may think differently but once you are in power, the same mentality will surface unless our views on life is changed..deep within our minds and hearts
تبرىء الكلمات في القلوب
ثم همس الرب في قلوبنا...
الكلمات تصل حيث لا يقدر السلاح
سألنا حكيم قريتنا، كيف ينزل الدفء
على النفوس والشيطان
قد ألقى بسمومه المفضلة
خوفاً ويأساً وكراهية
على القلوب البريئة
كما الرماد من محرقة السعادة
كيف تنام عيون الايمان
وسرير الأمل
تفترشه ملاءة القنوط الشاحب
وعيون الحنث الفاسدة
تنتهك حرمة الكلمات المقدسة
وتسعد باغتيال هدايا السماء
وسألنا :كيف يبتسم الخير
ويصفع الكره الفضيلة من وجه الخجل
و أتباعه يشوهون ويحرفون فى نفوس ضحاياهم
حتى يصل الاعتقاد
بأن الإثم فضيلة والقتل عدالة والكره هو الحب
تحدث الحكيم
بصوته الخفيض وقال
أن للشيطان أتباع
يغتسلون في أنهار النبيذ في حادي*
وبعشق السخرية الفارغ
يحصدون نفوساً مغشوشة جنيت بمنجل الانتحار
مستحيل أن يكون الطريق إلى الفردوس مرصوفاً
بجثث الأبرياء - عبر نهرٍ من الدم
اعتنقوا مد الحق وجزره الرائع في قلوبكم
تقبّلوا الشك والعار أينما كانوا
لكي تدركوا أن النفس تسعد بالعطف وليس بالانتقام
سطع صوته كالضوء وقال:
ابحثوا بشجاعة في أعماق قلوبكم
بلا نفاق ولا خداع ولا إجحاف
وحين تلمسوا الايمان هناك
ستنزل الكلمات الالهيه دواءً للقلوب
مثل مطر أبدي يجذبه البحر دائماً
حتى يرتفع ليملأ حرم النفوس
بودٍ عميق هادىء ويغدو سلاماً
على شواطىء العزم الالهي.
[أرض الموتى في الأساطير الاغريقية*
أبريل 2006
"Skull and Bones pay obeisance to Eulogia, the goddess of eloquence" so much for Bush..
i respect Alex jones and find his films fascinating.. all this talk about secret societies, freemasonry and the conspiracy of the making of the united states and the evil illuminatis, skull and bones which could very well be true, bohemian grove...
all could very well be true .. i don't like to rule out anything in this crazy world .. but really who cares about organized societies that don't sound any crazier in their rituals and execution than organized religions.
i think focusing on that is counterproductive. Alex jones' important points on the new world order and the police state and global domination are real issues that we should raise without diluting the problems with the other stuff especially when most people get turned off and ar preconditionned, as he makes the point as well, to rule everything out as a crazy conspiracy theory.
Going against world domination without proper historical understanding, is reactive and emotional. World domination can be a good thing, and policing your country can be safer for your kids. But the intent itself is most important, thus the issues become more dangerous. We must understand history, ideology that the "Elite" of world leaders and super powers harbor and link things together. With the internet we have a chance this time around to understand and spread the word.
We need to go back to history and dig more and more, how Bush Grand Father benefited from helping the Nazis, is it true that decisions regarding the world are taken between super powers in Cult Like stages such as in the Grove..ect
If Bush, Kerry and others harbor the same mentalities, what can we do now? At least I would say stop our illusion of hoping for a better candidate right now! (Remember how everyone on this blog was so happy at one point that democrats won seats in Congress)The only thing, and I repeat, the only thing we can do is to educate ourselves and others then the issues themselves win and gradual change may happen. The leaders always are forced to do what majorities want.
It s very important to point that what Alex' finds is not just wild conspiracies. He backs his points with documents, papers and videos...go to these videos and see how the Nazis hats wear same symbols of this skull and bones, and how in the Bahamian Grove UP TO THIS DATE presidents and elites of the world come to celebrate innocent Babylon tradition of burning a symbol of child representing the worshiping of MoLoch (Babylon deity) in a ceremony they call it cremation of care.
The other point I was trying to make (and it s a subjective one) is that in general history repeats itself. Empires or super powers through history always wanted to rule the world so why would US and Europe be any different? Why are we disappointed?
Are they only the ones to blame? or is it humanity itself to blame, You and me and everyone else. The violence within us, the hate, the greed, the addiction with power.. We find pleasure in playing violent games, watching violent movies, we like to watch catastrophes in the world instead of looking also on what is good...ect ect, we seem to be addicted to the dark side..so why would our leaders be any different?
many documentaries and books were written on masons and their connection to the nazis but nothing was proven. the scholars dismiss any connection as conspiracy.. this was extensively studied and we still don't know anything about the implementation of the rituals and the goals of the masons in modern politics. this is why i said this might be counterproductive. i'm not saying i don't believe what he's raising and you're right but i'd rather focus on the policies and the immediate results of those policies rather than the motives behind them.
also policing states is safer? i don't know about that.. any politician given this much control over his own people will become a dictator and a police state is a fascist state. who do you need to monitor? in this case we are talking about global policing given the global control to one nation to one empire. globalization is good but not world domination. culture trade is good but free trade is good only for governments who control world's economies and the world's labors and keep poverty thriving.
not one government should be in control because not one system is flawless and not one leader is far from error.
It was a typo actually when I said domination is good. I meant I could buy that Globalization is good, I could buy living in police state is good, but once the intent beyond it uncovers everything changes. If the intent to let country freely trade without boundaries then that is perfect, I will buy cheaper Rice where it grows easier and I will sell Corn since my soil is better here. But if the intent is for the big companies to control their products and get richer, then screw it, it s fucked up in deed and we r looking at a black hole...
I know studies didn't prove or couldn't prove masons beyond many things or their ideology is evil. But I feel different about these for the first time, once you watch these videos you get a true sense of these secret cults and how they may be controlling our lives. These videos are not theories any more, he went inside these cults and took pictures of their screwed up way of thinking...
Also what happens to 9/11 is huge. If there is are facts pointing that the U.S knew about these and in fact encourage these bombings then we MUST EXPOSE THAT, otherwise arabs and muslims will be looked at as THE global terrorist for a long time to come.
Oh boy.
Guys, we have ideology, and that is what philosophers, romantics, and shockingly, their opposite mindless masses adopt.
Then again, there is politics. They are not mutually exclusive.
While nothing the "Israeli" Politicians say touches on Goodwill or Truth - as a general rule, politics does not make anyone a saint or anybody a devil.. Let's go for a demo: (bear with me here, it's just a demo, but the point is,, politics is the anti-sainthood of dogmatism and ideology)
- Iran wants Nuclear Weapons and Regional Domination to "protect the weak" or just to bully. whichever you like.
- Syria Wants Lebanon, uses Hezbollah as "defender of rights of Arabs" or as a "terrorist lobby" whichever you like.
- USA guards "Israel" as the oasis of democracy or the harbinger of death, whichever you like.
On formula says: Iran is, and chances are will, sell Syria in return for its national interests. Syira, may, and chances are, will, sell HA to protect its behind.
Of course, the US can sell lebanon to Syria, Syria to Iran, and all to someone else,,
Bottom line is: If 2 prophets and 3 angels, and 33 apostels come and tell me that Hizbullah is pure, and that Syria is nationalist, or if Iran is caring and tender and loving,, I'd cry LIARS. Iran speaks to Israel, Syria speaks to Israel, HA speaks to Israel,, so what's new?? Lebanese Government speaks US and France, and to Egypt, Jordan, Tunis, Morocco, Qatar, and you name it, and they ALL speak to Israel?? Dah!!
Israel has representation in Doha.. Qataris are HA's favourites.. keef ba2a. but of course Israel and Hizballah and USA and Hizballah are talking to each other!! Half of Bint Jbeil are US citizens. Let's have a head count of how many HA and HA supporters and polticians are dual nationals. It's not a crime - but the crime is chastity.
Iran bought weapons from Israel in exchange for peanuts.. Yes.. as in Peanut butter Peanuts.. It's not a joke, it's an expensive commodity. Government politics know no religion, or idealogy.
It's politics.. God and Faith is what people chatter about in masses and with turbaned people on stages.. or on Sundays or Christmas masses that turn political..
My intention is not to defend lebanese politicians, or the lebanese ministers.. My intention is to slander the accusors who claim chastity.. Meen ba2a is pure?
Let those who are blameless cast the first stone.. I have one right in my hand... You know what, I have plenty of one for each politician but a sledgehammer for Weam Wahab..
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